Daddy's marathon day went something like this...
3:00 AM wake up call to our room from Stitch
3:40 Daddy got on the bus here at the resort to ride to Epcot
4:10 Daddy got to the race area
4:50 Daddy walked 2 miles to the starting line, then stood around for an hour
5:50 Fireworks started the race...
And a mere 5 hours later, Daddy was all done... and kinda gross. There were a little over 20,000 people running the race with Daddy.

Here's Daddy at about mile 12 with some pirates. And not just ANY pirates, that's Cap'n Jack Sparrow! Daddy says ARRRGH!

Here's Daddy in the Magic Kingdom, not too long after sunrise.

Daddy even got to meet the mayor of the Magic Kingdom. See, stuff like this is why Daddy finished in 5:08 instead of under 5 hours. Silly Daddy... it's all about the pictures.

He even took this shot as he was coming up to the finish line.