Monday, February 27, 2006

Get Ready for Baby!

First Prenatal Visit...

I'm already playing tricks on Mom and Dad. They thought I was only 8 weeks old in here and I'm really 9! Or, that's what the nurse told them today. So, I lost my tail, and they didn't even know it! Heehee!

Next week, we'll all go back and see the doctor and he'll take my first picture and listen for my heart. I'm going to try to be really good and pose and smile. I'm cute already, you know.

Friday, February 10, 2006

I'm On My Way!

Well, here I am! Well...not yet, really. I'm only the size of a sesame seed, but I do have a heart and a very handy umbilical cord...bring on the chocolate pudding!

I'm having lots of fun making Mom feel sick to her stomach and achey in her back. I like it when Daddy has to get out of bed to heat up her "rice sock" for her aches and pains!

So far, they're not telling anybody about me, which I don't like, so I'm planning on making Mommy lose her lunch in front of a bunch of people so they'll HAVE to tell! I'm ready to shine, people!

Mom says I'll be here in October (she's only 5 1/2 weeks preggo!), so I'll have lots of free time on my hands to talk to my fans!

P.S. The picture is of my Daddy finding out about me. Mommy usually has his lunch all ready when he comes home from work, but on this day, the menu was a bit different (and a bit more mushy). But I think it was his favorite lunch EVER!