Monday, December 15, 2008

Mia Beth at Two Months!

Well, our little Mia Beth is two months old! This is a picture of her on her 2/12th of a year birthday! This is me, just being generally adorable!
And Mommy says this picture has to go in both mine and Mia Beth's wedding slide shows. She loves it because we're just laughin' laughin'!

This is me and my handsome Daddy, on our way out the door for church! Don't you love my big girl coat?

Around the house!

This is me decorating me for Christmas. I love to put shoes and such on my hands! Sometimes I like to take my shoes and socks off in church and put my goldfish crackers in my socks and then eat them from my socks. Mom says I'm a disgusting creature. This next picture was taken on Cheney's 6th birthday. We had a little party for her and she got a new hoodie and some dental treats for her stanky breath.
Here's Mia Beth, all grinny. I thinks she's oh so cute!

In this picture you can tell that she looks lots and lots like Daddy!

Oh, and here's me doing one of my chores. I always put away Mom's Diet Cokes, wishing for the day when she'll finally learn to share them with me.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

My Bill Walton Impersonation...

Daddy says that most of you younger readers won't get this, but he says I looked just like Bill Walton the other night. I got one of MiaBeth's headbands and wore it a little bit low on my brow. In case you couldn't remember what he looked like back in the day, here's a picture of Mr. Bill Walton. Okay, I guess Daddy does kinda have a point.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Riley Cate, Part 2: I told you I'd think of more!

Riley Cate LOVES to watch the anniversary episode of the Coppey (Cosby) show. She tries to do the dance and sings along with Rudy: "BABY! BABAAY!"

She had a booboo on her finger and she spent SEVERAL minutes holding it up to the TV for Mickey Mouse to kiss.

A few weeks ago, Jason talked about lepers in his sermon. Riley Cate turned to Mamee and whispered, "Go Leopards?"

She STILL talks about pushing Ben. One day this was our conversation:
Cakie: "Push Ben?"
Mommy: "No, not nice."
Cakie: "Push Momma?"
Mommy: "NO. Not nice."
Cakie: "Push Santa Claus?"

Yesterday she handed me a little bead or something and said, "Here Momma. Don't eat it."

She loves to sing "Tomorrow" from Annie. It goes like this:
"Tomorroo, tomorroo, I love you, tomorroo, I love you, tomorroo. Day avaaay."

Riley Cate

Oh, the things she says:

"I got big ears."

"I droppa my donut."

"I bumpa my head." (Part Italian?)

Jason: "Riley Cate, where'd you get that tortilla?"
RC: "I found it." (NOT true, by the way)

Cheney barked at someone at the door and Riley Cate says, "Santa Claus! Santa Claus! Santa Claus here!"

I'm sure I'll think of more later!