Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I'd Like to Place an Order...

Just had to share this with ya'll. We stopped at Sonic on the way home and as soon as we pulled in, Riley Cate says "I'd like to buy a Coke, please." Seems she's been hanging out with Mommy a bunch, although she forgot to say "diet"!

Some other Riley Cate's:

We can't get in the car without her wanting to listen to Veggie Tales, which she calls what sounds like either "Funny Tales" or "Pony Tales".

She is still obsessed with the DeQueen mascot and just randomly whines or yells out "SEE LEOPARD!"

We have certain dances for everything: a ham and cheese dance, a mint dance and a "bar bar" (granola bar) dance.

We went to a halloween party at cousin ben's house last weekend and she pushed him down. Now she keeps saying "Texarkana. Party. Push Ben."

In her children's Bible, there's an illustration of Jesus placing the mud and spittle in the blind man's eyes. Riley Cate tried to give Jesus a time out. Remember that she also sings "...for the Bible tells me no." I think we may have issues.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

More Mia Beth...

Daddy finally got around to posting a couple more of Miabef's pictures. He's got a bit of a photographic logjam at the moment, but I'm glad that he FINALLY made time for his own flesh and blood. And I'm sure that you are wondering who made Miabef's dress. I can tell you that it was handmade here in the USA. If you want one just like it, you can email Mommy and she can put you in touch with the lady from ebay.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Mia Beth's Photo Shoot

Mia Beth got to have her picture made the other night. She cooperated really well. I think she had to take a break once or twice for a bottle, and for some wardrobe changes. I had to explain to her that being a model is hard, but it's rewarding. And Daddy is a pretty understanding photographer, so that helps.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Mia Beth Around the House

Here's Mia Beth talking on the phone with Mommy. Mia Beth doesn't say much yet. She pretty much just makes a lot of grunty noises and sounds like a baby pig. Or maybe a little goat. She sure has changed since she first got born. A lot of people have asked, so Daddy looked into it and saw that Mia Beth was three hours old when he took the picture with her eyes wide open.
Here's Mia Beth and Daddy watching Monday Night Shoeball. For those of you who don't know, Daddy and I have a running argument. I can say "foot" and "ball" but I love messing with Daddy and calling it "shoeball". We have tons of fun arguing about shoeball.

My Second Birthday!

Here I am with Mamee putting socks on my American Girl doll! I named my doll Mia. Here I am opening a neato box of accessories for my Mia doll. And this is so cool! Nana and PawPaw got me this Bella Dancerella Disney Princess Ballet set. It comes with a DVD that we can watch at least seven times every day! Thanks Nana!
Here is my cake. It's got a Chihuahua on it!

Friday, October 03, 2008

Mia Beth's Evening Reception and Brunch Guests

Mommy was craving Outback all day long in the hospital, so as soon as Mia Beth got here, Mamee and Papa went and picked up dinner. The lady that took the order from Daddy on the phone thought it was so exciting that we just had a baby, so she put a card on the bag when they got the food! Meme kept me all day Thursday, so she finally got to come up and meet Mia Beth Thursday afternoon late. Mia Beth is Meme's third great-grandkid! Here I am thanking Cousin Jeff for coming. Jeff is the coolest. And he helped Daddy get some wireless thing hooked up so Daddy could help me with all this blogging.
Here I am enjoying a lovely hospital cafeteria salad Thursday night. This was good, since mostly at Meme's house all day I had eaten only eggs and ice cream. I love Meme.
Uncle Danl came by and gave Mia Beth her dinner late last night. Uncle Danl has the coolest job... he gets to work on sickles (also known as motorcycles). I think he works for some man named Harley Davidson, who has a LOT of sickles.
Here's Papa Joe getting to hold Mia Beth for the first time!
Here's the cake that Aunt Lissa brought by. In case you can't see, it says "Happy Birthing Day Amelia Beth." The cake is mostly gone now, thanks to Mommy and Papa Joe.

Here I am getting to meet Mia Beth for the very first time. I even offered to share my favorite blankie with her.
Here I am in my Big Sister shirt that our friend Julie in De Queen made special just for me.
Mia Beth sure sleeps a lot!

Mia Beth's Meet and Greet

Mommy checked in to the hospital yesterday at 6AM. Here's Mommy during her hard labor, munching on ice. The big thing on her index finger is the oxygen sensor, which she kept knocking loose and making the thing go "ding dong ding dong." She says the hospital has excellent ice. Aunt Lissa (a.k.a. Ben's mommy) came by during lunch with a cake! Here's Mommy and Mia Beth, right after she was born. Doesn't Mommy look GREAT?!Here's Mia Beth with Nanna. And of course Paw Paw took his turn.
Here's Mia Beth's little hands holding on to Mommy's finger right after being born.
Here's Daddy with Mia Beth.
Mamee had lots of ooohs and aaahhhs.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Melia Beth is Here!

Amelia Elizabeth arrived at 2:50 this afternoon! Mommy and baby both are doing great. She weighs 6 lbs. and 12 oz. and is 19 inches long. She just had her first bath and bottle (which big sis Riley Cate got to help with).