Wednesday, September 27, 2006

39th Week Doctor Visit

A note from Riley Cate's mommy:

We're making progress! I'm at 2 cm and 25% effaced. I know that doesn't sound like much, but it's so much better than last week when it was nothing! Also, Dr. Thompson says she's so low that it could be just any time! Still, if she's not here by her due date (Monday), he's going to schedule us for an induction on Tuesday or Thursday. week we'll have us a little bambino!!!


Anonymous said...

We'll say a little prayer for all of you over the next week or so!!

Emerson said...

I am sooo excited for you guys!! She will be here for sure by next week??? YEAH!!!! Let us know when you guys are ready for visitors!!

Anonymous said...


We are so excited that our wait is almost over. We are ready to hold you and let you know how much we are going to cherish you forever!

Be good to Mommy and Daddy and hurry on out to meet all your grands. We will ALL be there cheering mommy on.

(Yes dear--we do have presents for your mommy every hour of labor--so please don't take too long or we will have to run back to the store for more and we don't want to miss anything while we are gone!!)

love you lots,