Saturday, September 30, 2006

The Airstream Guy

We love Searcy! The other day, me, Mommy and Cheney went all over town trying to hurry things up a bit. When we finally ran out of stores, we decided to go look at campers because Mommy LOVES campers...especially Airstreams. So, anyway, we show up and the sales guy comes out and asks Mommy if he can help us...

Mommy: No, thanks! We're just walking around, trying to go into labor!
Airstream Guy: OK, make yourselves at home! Who's your doctor?
Mommy: Dr. Thompson.
Airstream Guy: OK! Just let me know if you need me to call him!

I mean, it was just like it was completely normal for people to come there to try to have babies! We just laughed and laughed about it the rest of the night!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

39th Week Doctor Visit

A note from Riley Cate's mommy:

We're making progress! I'm at 2 cm and 25% effaced. I know that doesn't sound like much, but it's so much better than last week when it was nothing! Also, Dr. Thompson says she's so low that it could be just any time! Still, if she's not here by her due date (Monday), he's going to schedule us for an induction on Tuesday or Thursday. week we'll have us a little bambino!!!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Cheese!: The Photo Shoot

Mommy and Daddy have been talking a long time about taking some pregnancy pictures...and they finally decided that if they were gonna do it, they'd better do it asap! are some pictures from today's photo shoot. Daddy took them, of course. You can see other pictures that he's taken at his blog:

The picture of me and Mommy in the hammock is special because we have spent a lot of time there! Mommy reads and I grow.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Due Date Countdown: ONE WEEK!

My due is just one week away! Will I be late or early? What do you think? I'm not telling! ;o)

All I can say right now is that Mommy can't call Nana OR Grammy, because everytime she does, they think we're on our way to the hospital!

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Daddy is so cool...

Mommy was so nervous about going to the hospital and having me that Daddy went to the flower shop the next day to buy her a bouquet of her favorite flowers to say "Don't be scared." Mommy says my Aunt Beth in North Africa would know that she taught them that motto in college! Don't be scared, Mom!

Friday, September 22, 2006

Cheney Pie's Perch

Mommy says that Cheney ignores babies, but right now, she thinks I've made Mom's belly a fun place to perch. I know you haven't seen a lot of pictures of my brother, but you will after I'm born, I'm sure. He doesn't care much about me now, but he's the one who likes babies. Daddy says I'd better get ready for lots of stinky George kisses.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

38 Week Doctor's Visit

Here's the report: We have nothing to report. I'm lower and that's it. Dr. Thompson even said that I might be born a few days past my due date. I'm really ready to meet everyone, but I guess I'm better off hangin out here for a while. Better a little late than a lot early, right?

Anyway, we'll let you know if anything changes! I have a friend from Mommy's yoga class who will be born tomorrow, but it looks like we won't share a birthday!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Our Favorite Hobby

We LOVE to take pictures at our house. Especially Daddy...see the picture he took of Mom tonight? That's me! (Along with Mommy's Cabbage Patch Kid belly button! Heehee!)

Oh! And he and Mommy both won blue ribbons at the fair for their pictures! Mom got one for a picture of a mallard duck swimming in a pond at Disney World (where else? and when are they taking ME there?) and Daddy won one for a picture he took of a friend with her baby and one for a picture of a caramel apple with Mom's reflection in it that he took in Jackson Hole. That one was even up for Best of Show (he didn't win that, but maybe next year! I'll give him another subject to work with!) Maybe I'll post those pictures later, but right now our computer is toooo slow! Maybe George will let me borrow the computer he made out of macaroni a few years ago.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Fair Food is Evil!!

Ok, so last night we went with Daddy to the fair because he'd volunteered to count money for the Red Cross with his bank buddies. Me and Mom were oh so excited because we love(d) fair food. We no longer love fair food. The following pictures were early in the evening. Luckily for you all, we don't have any pictures from the events that occured between 1 and 3 o'clock this morning. Yowza.
Well, this is me and Mom and some goats. Mom was goin' nuts for some baby goats. If she thinks I'm half as cute as she thought those goats were, my feet will NEVER touch the ground and you all will be more than sick of seeing pictures of me.

This is a cow that looks like Cheney. Mom, of course, took this picture. Mom is feeling extremely maternal right now.

Well, that's all for now. And for the love of prescription Phenegran, stay away from fair food.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Doctor Visit

Well, we're a little disappointed, because we thought today would be the first day that Doc T would check everything out and tell us if I was getting close to being borned. But that's next week.

In the meantime, my little heart is still sounding very very good, but I HATE that doppler thing. It makes me jump every time! Daddy likes it when I jump, though. It makes him laugh. He held on to my hand through Mom's belly so I wouldn't be so scared. Me and Daddy hold hands all the time now! :o)

I think that me and Mom are going to work on her magazine stories for a while and then get back to cleaning the house. She even wants to get down on our hands and knees and scrub behind the potty! It's been like this for DAYS.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Weekend Pics

Just as I promised...some pictures from this past weekend! These are actually the only two that turned out. It seems that we can't all keep our eyes open at the same time. Oh, well!

The first pic is of me and Mom sitting with Aunt Lissa and Benjamin (or Liberty!) on our front porch...and the next is of us vogue-ing for the camera!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Counting Down!!

My due date is only three weeks from today! Yippeee! I'm so ready to meet everyone...and maybe a little nervous, too. Mom says it's ok to be a little scared...she is! But we're tough Carlton women and we're much more excited than scared! Plus, Daddy and Dr. Thompson will be there and that makes us feel better!

Speaking of Doc Thompson, we'll be going to our first weekly visit this Wednesday at 11 o'clock. Maybe he'll be able to give us some info on when I'll actually get here. We'll keep you posted.

Oh! And keep checking back here because my Nana, Paw-Paw, Uncle Daniel and Aunt Lissa (and future cousin!) came up this past weekend and we have pictures to show you!

That's all for now!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The Yoga Momma Ice Cream Social

We're meeting our calcium quota!! After an hour of posing and breathing and namasta-ing, Momma and her friends came over for ice cream sundaes (which all of us babies appreciated!). That's Kerstin on the left (she already had her baby boy), then me and Mom, Karen and her baby girl, Airiel and her baby girl and Yessica (whose baby is too young to tell!). Oh, and of course, Cheney thought she had to be in the middle of the picture, too. Sigh.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Hanging Out at Home

This is where my brother and sister like to hang out: George on Mommy's lap...Cheney on me, not caring at all how many times I kick her.

Cheney's not real smart all the time. She knows that the heating pad is warm sometimes, but she hasn't figured out that it's not warm ALL the time, like here. Look at her, just stickin' her little hinee out of her "magic blanket". She makes me laugh.

I love my big sister! Isn't she funny?

And this is the cake from the shower that Daddy's bank friends threw for us. It was a diaper shower and we got LOTS of diapers. I'm gonna try to use them up as fast as I can...just for fun!

By the way, it's only 4 weeks until my due date! It's been really cozy in here, but it's starting to get a little TOO cozy. I can't wiggle quite as much as I used to, although I still give mom plenty of kicks and snuggles. She and Daddy call me Miss Big Bootie because I poke it out all the time, which I don't think is very nice, since I can't help it.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the pictures of the goings on at our house over the past couple of weeks. Enjoy! Oh! And a special shout out to my new cousin Rex, who is already a week and two days old! Holla! (heehee)