Mommy was craving Outback all day long in the hospital, so as soon as Mia Beth got here, Mamee and Papa went and picked up dinner. The lady that took the order from Daddy on the phone thought it was so exciting that we just had a baby, so she put a card on the bag when they got the food!

Meme kept me all day Thursday, so she finally got to come up and meet Mia Beth Thursday afternoon late. Mia Beth is Meme's third great-grandkid!

Here I am thanking Cousin Jeff for coming. Jeff is the coolest. And he helped Daddy get some wireless thing hooked up so Daddy could help me with all this blogging.

Here I am enjoying a lovely hospital cafeteria salad Thursday night. This was good, since mostly at Meme's house all day I had eaten only eggs and ice cream. I love Meme.

Uncle Danl came by and gave Mia Beth her dinner late last night. Uncle Danl has the coolest job... he gets to work on sickles (also known as motorcycles). I think he works for some man named Harley Davidson, who has a LOT of sickles.

Here's Papa Joe getting to hold Mia Beth for the first time!

Here's the cake that Aunt Lissa brought by. In case you can't see, it says "Happy Birthing Day Amelia Beth." The cake is mostly gone now, thanks to Mommy and Papa Joe.

Here I am getting to meet Mia Beth for the very first time. I even offered to share my favorite blankie with her.

Here I am in my Big Sister shirt that our friend Julie in De Queen made special just for me.

Mia Beth sure sleeps a lot!