Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Riley Cate, Part 2: I told you I'd think of more!

Riley Cate LOVES to watch the anniversary episode of the Coppey (Cosby) show. She tries to do the dance and sings along with Rudy: "BABY! BABAAY!"

She had a booboo on her finger and she spent SEVERAL minutes holding it up to the TV for Mickey Mouse to kiss.

A few weeks ago, Jason talked about lepers in his sermon. Riley Cate turned to Mamee and whispered, "Go Leopards?"

She STILL talks about pushing Ben. One day this was our conversation:
Cakie: "Push Ben?"
Mommy: "No, not nice."
Cakie: "Push Momma?"
Mommy: "NO. Not nice."
Cakie: "Push Santa Claus?"

Yesterday she handed me a little bead or something and said, "Here Momma. Don't eat it."

She loves to sing "Tomorrow" from Annie. It goes like this:
"Tomorroo, tomorroo, I love you, tomorroo, I love you, tomorroo. Day avaaay."


Benjamin G. Ross said...

Dear Riley-Cate:

I really like it when you visit. We have lots of good times together, and I would rather you talked about the fun we have instead of all the violence. =0)

However, if you can't resist the urge, just ask your Mommy about what happened with my Daddy and the shoe when they were kids!

Love and Reeboks,

Benjamin G. Ross

Allison said...

That girl cracks me up!! I can't wait for Eli to start talking more. I'm sure it will be interesting. See you soon for girls weekend!!!