Thursday, August 23, 2007

A word from Cake's Mama

Just wanted to update you guys on all of Riley Cate's new developments...

She FINALLY says "Mama"! I came in from helping Granna the other night and she shouted it at me :o)

She waves and says "ByeBye" but she waves to herself.

She stands for the longest time and we're hoping for some steps before we go to Disney World...we're thinking that would be a lot more sanitary than crawling all over the place.

She gives her babies and characters in her books nice, open-mouth sugars any time you say "Aww."

Says "Daddy" and "Uh uh uh oh" (instead of just "uh oh").

Can tell you what the sheep, cow and duck say. The sheep is a very emphatic "BAA!" and she'll only whisper "quack quack quack".

If she finds a bow, she sticks it on her head (but won't keep them on when I put them there!) And she loves to drape herself with necklaces...what a girly girl!

I'll keep you posted on our upcoming trip to see Mickey and there will be lots of pictures and commentary from his cutest fan!

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