This was our last day with Papa Joe and Grammy...and our last day to climb back and forth over the divider between our two balconies to sit and watch the mountains and the river. Sniff.
But! We made a big day out of our last day! Daddy and Papa Joe got up early early to go look for bears because Papa Joe has a problem...and me and Mom and Grammy stayed at the hotel to read and look at Brad and Angelina's baby on the Today Show. Everybody says she's the most beautiful baby in the world and blah blah blah. Wait'll they get a load of me! No plain ol' tee shirts and bow-less heads here!!
Later, we went and climbed around and looked at waterfalls and stuff. But what we were looking the most forward to was dinner!!! We went to this raggedy place that looked like it was half about to fall down, for goodness sake! And we all got half pound "hateful" cheeseburgers (Daddy and Papa Joe gots buffalo for theirs!)! Oh, and I got Mom to try something she never has before: she ate her burger with EVERYTHING on it! Well...except onions because they were too fat. Me and Mom haven't been eating all that much...but we ate almost that whole darn burger. (Mom says don't say "darn". Sorry.) And don't tell Grammy I told you, because Christmas is coming up, but she ate almost all of hers too!
Sweetheart, thanks for letting me feel you kick while Papa Joe (yes, he has a bear problem) & Dad were gone. I'm not sure which thing made you kick for me---was it when I started the "Going on a bear hunt" story, OR could it possibly have been when Mom told you to be nice to me because I would be buying 1/3 of your Christmas gifts?
And just so you and everyone else knows about the burger thing--I did
eat 'nearly' all of my food, however what I did not finish I left on the table.
Your mom on the other hand asked for a to-go box and we caught her on the balcony just as soon as we got back to our room finishing hers off!!
She did tell the truth about eating "EVERYTHING" on hers...you probably will be a LOT bigger when you take her to the doctor on dad's 30th birthday Wednesday.
Hope you had already told people about how old your dad will be!! I don't want to get in trouble.
love you lots
Mellow, I have started a blog just for Jonas. It works out great since we have so many family and friends far off. Thanks for inspiring me to do one!
Hi Aunt Melanie and Cousin Riley Cat!
I wanted to say hello to both of you and tell you that I can't wait to meet you! I'm going to be pretty busy for the next few months...cell division and production is hard work! Oh, and guess what? Riley is due to be here eight days before Mom's birthday, and I'm due to be here about eight days before your birthday, Aunt Mel! Isn't that neat-o? Well, gotta get back to making knees and toes...
Love Y'all Lots!
Little Baby Ross =0)
PS - You can check out my blog at:
Good Morning Riley Cate!
How's Nana's little girl this morning? Are you getting plenty of exercise kicking Mom? Hope so!
You & your cousin "Little Ross" need to check your calendars, 'case now that there are two grandkids, Nana is already planning her FIRST EVER KID'S CAMP
for THE 2ND WEEK OF JULY 2010! Hope you can both make it, as it will be a great time of spoiling for all...and no parents allowed!!!
Hugs & Kisses,
Melanie...you need to update your site more...I check all the time with no updates. Sad. How are you??! It was great to see you and Riley last week! Take care...
Jana :)
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