I just thought I'd give you a glimpse into Daddy's world. Here's the view that Daddy sees most of me when we're hanging out at the house together. This is me shoving a cracker into my mouth, while simultanee, simeltaineo... you know, asking for another cracker at the same time.

Here I am at the table after an afternoon snack. I don't remember exactly what I had for the snack, but I know I had it with ranch dressing. I know my snack included ranch dressing because if you look real close you can still see some of it in my hair. And since it was ranch, that means my snack was either carrots or hot dogs, either of which is GREAT with ranch.

And sometimes when Mommy's home and I'm taking a nap, Daddy wipes the ranch dressing off himself and goes to take pictures, like these he took the other night at the lake about five miles from our house.

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