Saturday, January 05, 2008

Cate's Christmas!

Here's me looking all holiday festive with Cousin Ben. We're just chillin' by the fire. I'm all excited about Santa. Ben...he's not so much excited here. Here's me at one of Daddy's photo shoots. I was picking out my favorite armament... ornament? You know what I mean. They're those breakable things that Daddy won't let you actually have.
Aunt Lissa and Uncle Daniel got me this awesome princess 4 wheeler. I've got my mean biker chick face on, because Ben's trying to take my ride.
Here's me with the whole Ross family. We went down to some place in Texas where they had a lot of Christmas lights. Even Meme came. She's the one wearing the hat made of pillow stuffing.
And here I am at the Carlton house, helping Granna open presents. This one might have even been my present. Who could tell?

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