Our friend Mrs. Janice is a stylist, and she came all the way from Searcy to give me my first haircut! Well, actually they came for the party, but as long as she was coming, she brougt her stuff. I didn't cry like some kids do for their first haircut. I was pretty much ambivalent about the whole thing.

See, I had to get my hair did because I had boys coming to my party! Daddy titled this picture, "And So It Begins..." This is my friend Hudson. Older boys with cars are sooooo dreamy.

Here's the cake that Mommy made just for me! Can you see? It's a hayride with Little People!

Here's me with my cake. Daddy had to help me blow the candle out.

I got lots of neato presents. This is a Disney Princess tea set. Daddy says that I serve the best air tea in the Four States area.

We had a great time at the party. There were about 30 people here. Some drove all the way from Searcy, Bryant, Texarkana and even Oklahoma. Thanks everybody!
we have that tea set--and the elmo book! you're going to love them, riley cate!
M to the E to the L, you did a great job on RC's birthday cake. It is adorable! I love how she sat so still for her haircut too.
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