This is a picture of me, Mom and Cheney on Mother's Day. Dad says he got her a present from me, but I haven't seen it, so I'm not sure. :o)
I've just been too busy to write, ok? I mean, I'm 10 inches long now and I've got lots of muscles and I'm very busy choreographing routines for various dance numbers. I'm so good at it that all Mom wants to do is sit around and watch her tummy. That's right! She can SEE me moving around in here! Oh, and Daddy finally felt me kick and even he has seen me moving once or twice. He's so glad...I think he was getting frustrated with me because I would never show off for him. Sorry, Daddy!
This weekend, we're going to see my Papa Joe and Grammy in DeQueen...and here's the best part: their friend the VET is gonna do another ultrasound on my Mom! Heehee! Wouldn't it be funny if I could convince them all that I'm part of a litter?
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