Us Carlton's have been soooo busy! And guess what!? I learned how to fly! I flew all the way to Michigan for Uncle Shawn and Aunt Denise's big wedding day (am I even related to them? I'm so confused)...and I even helped mom tell everyone in the wedding what to do. Dad got them all married up, but I guess he didn't need my help since he's ordinated and I'm not.
I also got my first Easter present yesterday, from Mrs. Bessie at church. She likes to play the organ and give me stuffed bunnies.
In just a week, Mom and Dad are going to go back to see Dr. Thompson and he's going to try to tell them if I'm a boy or a girl. If I'm a boy, my name won't be Jax, which I'd already gotten really used to. I think I'm going to be Baden or somethin'. My parents like it, and Dad keeps calling Mom his "Baden Momma" and they just laugh and laugh. I don't get it.
Anyway, enjoy the pictures. The one of just Mom is Easter and the other is in cold Michigan. I have my eyes closed in one of them and I'm asleep in the other.