So here we are, ready to start our day of fun at the Dallas Zoo! It takes us three and a half hours to get to Searcy where we used to live, and only three hours to get to Dallas. But I slept all the way there, so it felt like no time at all. It was kinda chilly in the morning, but at least the sun was out.

One of the first things we saw was this big razorback. And I thought we were in Texas! As soon as we walked up to it I started calling the Hogs, all by myself without Daddy even telling me to! I think I saw a small tear of joy in Daddy's eye, but he said a bug just flew in there and he wasn't crying.

I got to pet a rabbit! He was all soft and cuddly. I wanted to pick him up but the zoo lady wouldn't let me.

Here I am enjoying my lunchable in a little garden spot during lunch time. It was nice just to take a break and relax after riding in the wagon all morning looking at ammmals.

This was my most favorite part of the whole day! I got to see penguins. I LOVE penguins. Some of you have gotten to see me do my penguin dance. I talked and laughed at them for a long time.

Here I am, just cruising and eating the rest of my lunch that I was too excited to eat earlier.

And here's me and Mommy posing for a picture after lunch.

Daddy was nice enough to pull me all around the zoo all the day long without ever getting tired.

But after a while I got tired, which is okay since I'm just a little kid. So, to sum it all up, the Dallas Zoo is pretty cool. Maybe my first book will be a review of the three zoos I've been to in my life...