We've Got Lots and Lots of Pictures...PICTURES!!
These are from newest to oldest...hope you enjoy! Mom's been keeping me busy!!

This is Mommy and her best friend, Aunt Jessica...and my future best friend, Jenna!

These were taken at the shower that my Aunt Jenn and her mom and sister threw for us! I got lots of really cool clothes and stuff and look...the shoes that are on Mom's corsage are really for ME!

This cake was nine kinds of yummy. And it even had MY name on it! My Grammy got this for me.

My Mom and Dad are working hard on my room and it's almost all done! Mom bought this bench at a stinkin' YARD SALE and it was sooooo ugly. But look at it now! It even has my name on it! The records are from the 60s. Mom found them on ebay and she's gonna hang them up in there. And the Minnie Mouse is from Mrs. Leslie from ACH! She gave it to Mom for her birthday a few years ago, because they ALREADY knew what my room would look like!
This is Mom with my competition. I think she has some jealousy issues. That's MY papoose, you know. Nana got it for me! Cheney...nine more weeks and you're outta there, sister.
Mom and I do yoga every Tuesday with some other Mommies. Look at how much I can bend! I think I have my toe in my ear in this picture. I do very advanced yoga.
And this is me! Riley Cate Carlton in my first real picture. Am I adorable or what??? Pay no attention to the weird stuff at the bottom of the picture. I don't really have any weird parts.
See...I told you I'm good at yoga! I call this pose "Exalted Toe"
Well...till next time, this is Riley Cate Carlton...see you in October!