Friday, May 28, 2010

One more pic from today...

I LOVE this one!

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Thursday, May 27, 2010


Cakie relaxing in the Hinton's pool. Isn't she precious?

Playing "flyboat" with Daddy and Mr. Loren.

-And this is pretty much what Bess did! She wanted NO part of the pool!

A water gun attack by Mr. Loren!

Too much fun!!
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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Cossatot Falls

Took Cate to get some fresh air and sun at the Cossatot. She loved it!

-- Post From My iPhone

Eatin tuhtaytas

Miabess loves mashed potatoes about as much as anything in the world. Her eyes indicate that she's smiling for the camera.

-- Post From My iPhone